Handling the unexpected: HGI Use-Case by Bosch during Ramp-up Scenario


Image credit: Bosch

Bosch HGI Use Case 

Through the DAT4.Zero project, the manufacturing industry has seen a new innovative approach in form of the Bosch HGI (hydrogen gas injector) Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Use Case. The HGI Root Cause Analysis Use Case is aimed at addressing the challenges faced during the ramp-up phase of the FuelCell System. As production increases each year, the lack of sufficient data at the beginning of the project posed significant obstacles.

Although there have been improvements in data availability throughout the project, the continuous adjustments and updates to the production line during the ramp-up phase remain a challenge. This results in changing or new data, making it crucial to develop a system (algorithm) that can adapt to these evolving conditions and quickly identify errors or issues in the line that lead to not OK parts (nIO) parts.


Bosch’s solution involves a combination of station-based anomaly detection algorithms and a regression model for the End-OF-Line Teststation. By integrating these components, the system can swiftly detect and attribute deviations, pinpointing the station with the highest anomaly. This information is then relayed to the colleagues on the line via dashboard, enabling them to prioritize their search for errors. The solution was developed in collaboration with WBK KIT in Karlsruhe, showcasing the power of partnership in driving innovation.

Another integral part of the solution was the integration of an anomaly detection model into a simulation model of the production line. This allowed for the evaluation of different, simulated scenarios and the assessment of the added value or adjustments required in the line. This innovative combination of AI models and line simulation was also developed in collaboration with WBK KIT.

Evidently, Bosch HGI Root Cause Analysis solution brings numerous benefits. By swiftly identifying and addressing deviations in the production line, the solution has the potential to significantly reduces the number of defective parts (nIO), improving overall product quality. Furthermore, the integration of AI and simulation models enhances decision-making, enabling proactive adjustments and optimizations in the line.

In conclusion

The Bosch HGI Root Cause Analysis Business Case represents a promising step towards advancing manufacturing practices for Zero Defect Manufacturing. It offers valuable insights into improving efficiency and product quality while fostering sustainability by detecting errors and problems quicker using digital technology.

Further Information to HGI Product: https://www.bosch-mobility.com/de/loesungen/antriebe/brennstoffzellen-elektrisch/wasserstoffdosierventil/

About Bosch

The Bosch company is a renowned manufacturer of common rail injectors. The production plant in Homburg represents the tail unit in its international production network for the manufacture of injectors for commercial vehicles. The injector assemblies and their components are developed and tolerated by the project partner. The components are manufactured partly at the project partner’s plant in Homburg, partly at other production sites of the project partner and partly by various suppliers. Furthermore, the assembly and functional testing of the injectors takes place at the Homburg plant.

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