DAT4.Zero seminar in Raufoss

On March 19, 2024, the Manufacturing Technology Norwegian Catapult Centre in Raufoss was the gathering place for the DAT4.Zero closing seminar. Hosted by SINTEF Manufacturing and Benteler Aluminium Systems Norway, the seminar marked the successful conclusion of the project.
The participants delved into the theoretical and practical dimensions of zero-defect manufacturing. In total there where 66 attendees from Industry, R&D and local governmental persons attended. In addition to presentations there were arranged visits to the Benteler pilots.

DAT4.ZERO seminar arranged in Raufoss Norway. Image: Benteler
The Agenda
09.30 – Coffee and registration
10:00 – Welcome by Silje Aschehoug and Per Dale
Ambitions and expectations related to competence-based business development, Erik Lagethon, Innlandet County Municipality
Brief about MTNC Emma Østerbø,
10.15 – Introduction to DAT4.ZERO Odd Myklebust, SINTEF; and Davar Hemyari, Benteler;
10:45 – Digital quality management solutions for production (Frank Westad – Idletechs)
11:15 – New sensor solutions – fringe projection technology showcase (Qian Kai Loh, Taraz Metrology)
11:45 External sensing for improved quality of manufacturing line, Endre Sølvsberg, Ådne Solhaug Linnerud, SINTEF Manufacturing
12:00 – Lunch and Posters
13.00 – Factory visit (Benteler)
14:30 “Ensuring Data Quality for the Quality of Product, Process towards Zero-Defect Manufacturing”.
Phu Nguyen and Adela Nedisan Videsjorden. SINTEF Digital
14:50 – Intelligent analysis with humans-in-the-loop (Maria Chiara Magnanini, Politecnico di Milano; Kristian Martinsen, SINTEF Manufacturing)
15:25 – Value creation with new digital and sustainable solutions (Odd Myklebust & Daryl Powell, SINTEF)
16:00 – End of the day

Factory visit, Image: Benteler
Video: Benteler