Press kit
On this page you can find: contact information, the DAT4.Zero logo, partner logos and an A3 poster summarizing the project. To learn more, visit What is DAT4.Zero?
Contact information

Odd Myklebust is the project coordinator of DAT4.Zero.
Title: Research Director
Company: SINTEF Manufacturing AS
Phone: (+47) 926 14 449
Please contact Dr. Myklebust for queries related to DAT4.Zero.
DAT4.Zero logo
Black logo with transparent background (png)

Official DAT4.Zero logo. Size: 1094x207px
Partner logos

A3 poster
This poster summarizes the project and provides contact information for press

The Future of Zero Defect Manufacturing: A Roadmap for Europe
Why DAT4.ᴢᴇʀᴏ is important

How DAT4.ᴢᴇʀᴏ will affect your life

Project Goals