A report from Brussels

Last week, we attended EFFRA’s General Assembly in Brussels with people from the Commission present. In the final part of the board meeting, there was a lively discussion about SIRA (Strategic Innovation & Research Agenda) and in which priority areas the “Made In Europe” Partnership will take in the following program period.

EFFRA’s General Assembly, Board meeting
Day 2 was called “Made In Europe Partnership day”, and in the picture below, you see our Project coordinator Odd Myklebust in action talking about the Dat4Zero project in one of the three parallel sessions.
In total, there were 48 projects holding presentations about their progress and what they intend to achieve. In addition, several projects, including Dat4Zero, had a stand with roll-up and brochures that several partners from the project staffed.

Project coordinator Odd Myklebust talking about the Dat4Zero project
Video credits: EFFRA on LinkedIn
For more information about the event, visit EFFRAs webpage